Deep Beam with Concentrated Loads

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The dimensions of a deep beam are assigned. The boundary lines of the deep beam are drawn according to the assigned dimensions. The symbol T is the thickness of the beam.


The information on the bearing plates are assigned here. The information can be altered in the ASSIGN-Bearing Plates after clicking the strut-tie model node framed by the bearing plate.


The vertical loads acting on bearing plates are assigned. After assigning the load name, it can be altered, added, or deleted in the DEFINE-Static Load. The positive loads that act to the directions shown in the figure must be assigned.

STM setting

Two reference distances are assigned for the automatic construction of the strut-tie model for the deep beam.


The areas of reinforcing bars assigned to the deep beam are recognized as the steel tie areas of the strut-tie model for deep beam. The information on the reinforcing bars can be altered, added, or deleted in the DEFINE-Tie Types-Reinforcement Ties. The information can be assigned to the elements of the strut-tie model in the ASSIGN-Tie Types.